Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for July 05, 1981

  1. Rj3j5foq normal
    tomandtish_tom  over 4 years ago

    Had a friend who did something similar in High School (back in the mid 80s). He was the only male cheerleader, And when people gave him crap for it he responded “Say what you want, but I’m the only guy spending hours a day with 9 of the hottest girls in the school”.

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  2. Red knot
    Harlen Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I had the same experience as one of only two men in the freshman class at a school of nursing. 24 girls and two guys and the other guy was going steady with his high school sweetheart.

    But I must say that wasn’t the reason I chose to become a nurse, it’s an excellent profession for men as well as women.

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