Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for September 28, 2008
Noise: Ding dong. Poncho: That's the guy, officer! That's the guy who stole my chew toy in the park! I was chewing it, and he came along and swiped it! It happens all the time in the dog park and I'm sick of it! Cop: Did you steal this dog's toy, sir? Gus: Well, yeah, but I'm a dog. That's what I do. Cop: Do you want to give it back? Gus: Well, not really. He seems to want it, so I feel like keeping it. Poncho: That's not fair! It's my toy! Dust for saliva! Cop: Sorry, sport, he's got ya. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Poncho: What's the other tenth? Cop: Nobody knows!
margueritem over 16 years ago
I’ve always wondered what the other 10th was myself.
alondra over 16 years ago
I’m sure Poncho will find a way of getting revenge. How about sending all those cats over?