Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for January 22, 2009
Poncho: That doppelganger is better than me in every way! He's polite, nice to cats... he's like my mirror opposite! I've been stupidly trying to piece this together using cheap movie plots, when all along I should have been using cheap television plots! This is just like that episode of Star Trek where the two doubles from parallel anti-matter worlds become locked in combat for all eternity! Huff, I hate when this happens.
one8romeo about 16 years ago
A simple Vulcan Neck Pinch should do the trick….Oh wait, no opposable thumb. Nevermind.
Coldfusion about 16 years ago
Y dont u quit savoring the moment and just go on inside…
arlesh about 16 years ago
I bet its his long lost mother
John_E about 16 years ago
If Kirk (or is it Spock?) is wrestling with his doppelganger, why are their shirts different colors? If they are twins, wouldn’t their shirts be the same? I remember that episode and the Kirks had the same color shirts. WHO’S COLORIN’ THIS THING????!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I know, it’s not a Sunday panel and so it’s b&w in most papers, but still.
JonD17 about 16 years ago
The episode that comes to my mind is where the “half white” man is chasing the “half black” man thru the Universe and the only difference is the orientation of the white side and black side on them. I do not remember the Kirk episode.
cleokaya about 16 years ago
I agree with Coldfusion. Quit speculating when an answer is just inside the house.
John_E about 16 years ago
Aha, JonD17 is right. That explains why the faces are half-blacked out. I thought they were shadows. Okay… I was thinking of the episode where a parallel Enterprise crew is “bad,” and the Kirks are switched. Anyway, mystery solved.
JonD17 about 16 years ago
John E, (hmmm??) glad to be able to help ya’ out.
cleokaya, That’s a great new avatar. I love it.
alondra about 16 years ago
It would be interesting if Poncho entered the house. What if what he’s seeing through the window isn’t real?
gigabyte03 about 16 years ago
Wait, perhaps Poncho is merely looking through Slow Glass!
See: Slow Glass by Bob Shaw. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_light
Photonic phase velocity not-with-standing, this could be the answer. In which case -for joy, for joy!- all is well.
And just where is dear Plankie Wood when you need him?
Helmet Head about 16 years ago
He’s got the right episode: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/TheAlternativeFactor_%28episode%29
The combatants aren’t Star Fleet crew, though, so the shirt color is just to help us recognize the show, I guess.
The episode with the half-black, half-white faced men is “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield.” http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/LetThatBeYourLastBattlefield%28episode%29
(And I’m pleased to note I was on the right track yesterday, when I posted that it looked like a Mirror Universe episode :-)
Live long and prosper. \//__
danthemanb about 16 years ago
Wait, do I have this right? Poncho watches star trek?
BlueRaven about 16 years ago
Well, that gives Poncho something in common with Pres. Obama, doesn’t it? :)
fritzoid Premium Member about 16 years ago
There are actually THREE Star Trek episodes that are apt (at least). There’s the half-black, half-white guys, there’s the episode with the parallel universe (“Mirror, Mirror”, where Spock has the beard), and the episode where Kirk comes through the transporter in two pieces, one of which embodies his “good” side and one his “bad.” That’s the episode where the two Kirks grapple with each other, I think.
Helmet Head about 16 years ago
Fritz, reread the comic, frame three. It describes “The Alternative Factor” exactly, but not the other episodes at all. Pooch knows his Trek.
BlueRaven, our new Prez is a Trekker??? Well, I’m not surprised!
roblk about 16 years ago
No one can replace Poncho. EVER!
andymeijers about 16 years ago
Don’t remember the title, but the strip has at least 2 episodes conflated. Forget the split-Kirk episode, and the mirror-universe episode. The B/W guys were from the same planet in this universe, and the locked in eternal battle guys were from this universe and a different one. It was the guy from ‘Here Come the Brides’ playing the dual role. And no, not Bobby Sherman, one of the other ones. They used a really cheezey flying saucer prop from some old 50s movie as the portal. I laughed like heck when I saw the same saucer on a late-nite movie a few years later.
Helmet Head about 16 years ago
Sorry, Andy, but other than dressing the figures in Star Fleet uniforms, our intrepid cartoonist has it right: the episode is The Alternative Factor, the characters are Lazarus and AntiLazarus, who are doubles from matter and antimatter universes, who grapple together for eternity to preserve both universes, and the actor is Robert Brown, who did indeed star in the TV version of Here Come the Brides.
You’re thinking of Let That Be Your Last Battlefield, with the white/black faced guys. They’re played by different actors, though; one is Frank Gorshin, better known as the Riddler on the TV version of Batman.
memory-alpha.org, the Trek Wiki, is this aging trekkie’s friend