Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 07, 1951

  1. 090722 eclipse space 02
    yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago

    One personā€™s bang is another personā€™s ping.

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  2. Pe510810
    RoofDog  over 12 years ago

    Itā€™s like when you try to show a girl a first person shooter and she canā€™t get the hang of the controls at all.

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  3. 180 1
    Attila The Voice!  over 11 years ago

    Yeah, while weā€™re busy creating wars and nonsensical political and economic misery, their off doing other less important things like making the world a better place with love, care and detest for senseless violence (scoffs).

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  4. 45adapter
    HarryNJ  over 11 years ago

    Sheā€™d rather slap them silly with her doll than shoot them.

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  5. Newnatequarter
    Isaac Chen  over 6 years ago

    It the bullet probably struck a metal surface and ricocheted.

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  6. Greaticos90
    Anton Sherwood  over 2 years ago

    Once upon a time, I agreed to take a friend (now ten years gone to endometrial cancer, waah!) to a pistol range; she had never shot before. One of us, in email concerning this plan, used the title ā€œbang pingā€. Ā (ā€˜pingā€™, as in sonar, is an Internet utility to check whether a server is active and how long a packet takes to get there; metaphorically, a message like ā€œare you still at this addressā€ or ā€œare we on the same pageā€.)

    She broke a tooth and had to postpone. We agreed that this news was a fang prang bang ping; and that, if sheā€™d told me by telephone and moaned about it at length, then it would be a long fang prang bang ping ring.

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