Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 13, 1952
Shermy sits on the floor with two tin cans attached to a piece of string. "What an invention!" he exclaims.<BR><BR> "Now I know whow Alexander Graham Bell felt!" he declares as he walks past the fence.<BR><BR> "Here, Charlie Brown, you take this tin can over to your house..." He offers it to Charlie Brown.<BR><BR> "We'll have our own private telephone!" "Swell!" Charlie Brown agrees, running off with a can.<BR><BR> Shermy sits on a stool inside. The cord hangs out the window. He speaks into the phone: "Hello, Charlie Brown? Can you hear me?"<BR><BR> He stands up and repeats, "Hello! Hello!! Hello!!!"<BR><BR> He leans out the window and declares, "Well, no wonder I can't get Charlie Brown..."<BR><BR> He stands outside and bends down towards Snoopy, who chews on the string/wire. "The line is busy!"<BR><BR>
yow4zip Premium Member about 13 years ago
Get off the line Snoopy!!
MoonlitKnight Premium Member almost 13 years ago
No wireless personal communications back then
RoofDog over 12 years ago
Needs to account for packet loss.
C wolfe over 5 years ago
The string needs to be taut so it can vibrate with the sound waves.
Commenter8888 almost 4 years ago
snoopy is curious.
robert423elliott about 3 years ago
Nah, it’s a party line. Remember those? And ol’ Snoopy is having a party on the line!
[Unnamed Reader - b10daf] 6 months ago
There is always at least one more bug.