Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 03, 1952
"Put that board right over here!" Patty stands on the grass and points to one side.<BR><BR> "O.K., Shermy, let's hop to it....No goldbricking on THIS job!!" Patty adds as she shouts off to the side. Charlie Brown lugs a large wooden plank and pants with exertion. He agrees: "No, not with her around."<BR><BR> "Bring the rest of the lumber over here...On the double!!" she directs them with her finger. Charlie Brown and Shermy haul a pile of wooden planks. "Whew. I'm ready to drop.." Charlie Brown sighs.<BR><BR> Violet commands, "All right, Charlie Brown...Put that beam in place." Violet stands in front of him as Charlie Brown kneels on the ground in front of a frame. He puts his hand against an upright plank and protests, "I thought I heard the dinner bell..."<BR><BR> Patty stands over Charlie Brown and Shermy as they hammer away at some boards. She ugres them on: "Lets go, you guys!! Try to work faster!"<BR><BR> "When you're through sawing, Charlie Brown, you can start in painting!" Violet declares as Charlie Brown bends over a plank, propped up on two stool.<BR><BR> Shermy sits on the ground and sighs, "Whew." Charlie Brown sits slumped against a tree trunk and gasps for breath. Patty announces, "Well, that finishes it!" "I'll get the signs," Violet says as she walks off.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stand in front of a newly made clubhouse, the product of their handiwork. Two sighns are posted on the door. One says, "Girls Club" and the other reads, "No Boys Allowed."<BR><BR>
pguarache almost 14 years ago
jbott566 over 13 years ago
So they made Shermey and Charlie work and not let them in
yow4zip Premium Member about 13 years ago
All that work.
comeonbanana over 10 years ago
unscrew the hinges and destroy the boards
semerl almost 10 years ago
Did somebody say matriarchy?
tdoug1 almost 10 years ago
Time to take over the fort!
The Old Wolf almost 9 years ago
Nice work for a couple of five-year-olds
OldestandWisest almost 9 years ago
No misspellings? No letters printed backwards? Schulz has ignored all the conventions of child-printed signs!
empireatwar almost 8 years ago
Final Sunday strip using the early Peanuts logo.
MoonCrest113 over 7 years ago
Oh, my god. Those little brats better get it. Charlie and Shermy need to completely demolish that structure, and then never help them again.
Stormwyrm over 7 years ago
This strip was first published on the day my mother was born. God rest her soul.
peanutsmean almost 5 years ago
Last Sunday strip to use the earliest peanuts logo
Ari Jones over 4 years ago
tell me why toddlers are doing this?
ApatheticallyInterested about 4 years ago
I really hope charlie and shermy grab a flame thrower and burn it down and let those girls die
Commenter8888 about 3 years ago
I had an old comment here but I decided to take it down. But honestly, why would they even agree to slave for Patty and Violet?
solomon.russell493 over 2 years ago
Oh dude, that’s brutal!
FrostbiteFalls about 1 month ago
Wait till they have their first meeting, then nail the door shut.
cami < 3 ✮ dazai's #1 fan ,, 1 day ago
sunday strip on my birthday!