Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 15, 1952
Patty: Why, certainly, Schroeder... I'll be right over... Charlie Brown: Absolutely, Schroeder... I'm on my way! Patty: It's nice of you to invite us over to listen to your record, Schroeder Patty, I've always liked good music Charlie Brown: Me, Too...ever since I was a kid... Patty: I guess a love for music just runs in my family Charlie Brown: Mine, too... we always have our radio on Schroeder: Talk Talk Talk Patty: They say that music soothed the savage beast Charlie Brown: I believe that because I remember reading once where... Patty: ! Charlie Brown: ? Schroeder: OUT! OUT! OUT! Patty: I wonder what made him get so Mad.?. Charlie Brown: Who knows? Some people are impossible to understand!
futzyone about 13 years ago
I’m just guessing here… But is that Schroeder’s first thought balloon?
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
And they are still talking.
Attila The Voice! over 11 years ago
That’s for sure :p
decimator1337 over 9 years ago
I love this, how oblivious some people can be…
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago
Best Commenter Ever over 3 years ago
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
So totally in Schroeder’s corner on this. Some people don’t even try to experience listening to music on more than the most superficial level. I’ve been to concerts where I’d have to endure a couple of mooks carrying on a conversation at the top of their lungs, and I’d wish so fervently that I could toss them out on their ears.