Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 11, 1953
Patty, Violet, Lucy, Shermy, Charlie and Schroeder play croquet. Charlie asks, "Whose turn is it?" Patty says, "I want a mallet that matches my dress.." Violet complains, "If I can't have the red mallet, I'm not going to play!" Schroeder yells, "We don't care if you play or not!" Lucy is in the background dropping the ball.<BR><BR> While Schroeder takes a shot, Charlie says, "I regard myself as being the Ben Hogan of croquet.." Schroeder says, "I guess we all kid ourselves one way or another.. Rats! What a shot!" He bounces the ball upon the hoop.<BR><BR> Violet tries to hit her ball and says, "I haven't played croquet since I was a kid.." Schroeder says, "I can tell that by the way you slong that mallet!" Patty warns, "Charlie Brown, I'm going to knock your bal clear out of the yard!" Charlie asks, "Why do you always pick on me?" Lucy is still dropping the ball.<BR><BR> Charlie whines, "Why do you always knock my ball away?" Lucy is still dropping the ball.<BR><BR> Charlie follows Patty and says, "It's personal, isn't it? You don't like me, do you?" Patty says, "All I'm thinking about is the game.." Lucy is still dropping the ball.<BR><BR> Patty yells at Charlie, "Right now, Charlie Brown, you are nothing to me than a small, blue, wooden ball!"<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Well, I've finally reached a conclusion.."<BR><BR> Lucy tells Shermy and Violet, "No matter how hard you try, you just can't bounce a croquet ball!"<BR><BR>
Herb Thiel Premium Member over 11 years ago
I love it when children say things like, “I haven’t played croquet since I was a kid.”
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
There are a lot of gags in this one.
G00dgrief almost 10 years ago
Apparently original Patty and Peppermint Patty were based on the same person. She must have been a sporty, competitive girl.
chamin almost 10 years ago
At least she didn’t say that she sees CB as a Big Yellow Ball :o)
peanutsmean almost 5 years ago
The only strip ever to be given it’s own title
VICTOR PROULX over 3 years ago
The good old days.
peanutsmean 4 months ago
Also one of my favorite early strips simply because there are more (good) jokes than just the punchline
JoeTheDog Premium Member about 2 months ago
notice shermy chasing Snoopy in panel 3 (panel 2 if you don’t count the title panel)