Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 13, 1955
Linus is sitting on the floor with Lucy standing in front of him dumping all the crayons out of the box. She says to Linus," First you dump 'Em all out of the box, Linus..." <br> <br> Lucy is now kicking all the crayons while Linus has stood up with his hand to his face. Lucy says, "Then you tear the paper off, Break 'Em in half, and kick 'Em all over the room..." <br> <br> Lucy then holds out her hand and says to Linus who is looking ahead, "and THAT'S how you break in a new set of color-crayons!" <br> <br> Linus is standing among all the broken crayons and paper thinking "A most remarkable girl!" <br> <br>
Herb Thiel Premium Member almost 11 years ago
and THAT’S is how to make the crayon buyer upset
davidf42 over 9 years ago
@yow4zipI started downloading this strip several weeks ago, beginning with the first one and finally arriving here on Saturday night, September 12. I’ve noticed that you have commented on every single strip, and wanted you to know that I think you rock! Now, I expect we have caught up with each other. I’m glad to know that there are other readers out there who share my interests! This is a great strip, one of the very best!
yow4zip Premium Member over 9 years ago
Hey davidf42, thanks a lot! I’m commenting on the 60th anniversary of each one. So, just one a day. Now for today’s strip, Lucy is also a very destructive girl.
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
Why does she get angry when this happens? Maybe she wanted to break them herself?