Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 15, 1956
Charlie Brown approaches Patty. He shouts at her, "You didn't send me a valentine!" She replies, "I didn't? Oh, I'm sorry Charlie Brown"<br> <br> She continues, "I guess I just forgot about you..I guess I just didn't think about you..."<br> <br> He frowns as she continues, "You just sort of slipped my mind..your name never occurred to me..I just didn't remember you..I just.."<br> <br>She jumps as he yells, "ALL RIGHT!"<br> <br>
yow4zip Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“What’s your name again?”
MrJamie51 over 3 years ago
Yes, Patty, for whatever reason you didn’t send Charlie Brown a Valentine, you don’t have to repeat yourself. He got it the first time.
JoeTheDog Premium Member 25 days ago
jerk as usual patty.