Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 04, 1957
Schroeder plays the piano. Lucy leans against the piano and turns around to look at him.<br> <br> She announces, "Beethoven! PHOOEY! He wasn't so great!"<br> <br>"What do you mean, he wasn't so great?!" Schroeder demands hotly.<br> <br> "WELL, HE DIDN'T GET TO BE KING, DID HE? HUH?"<br> <br> Lucy kneels on top of the piano and leans towards him: "HE DIDN'T GET TO BE KING, DID HE? HUH? DID HE???"<br> <br> Schroeder covers his ears as she shouts at him: "DID HE GET TO BE KING? HUH? DID HE? DID HE?!!"<br> <br> "Good grief!" Schroeder puts his head in his hands and collapses on the keyboard. Lucy leans back against the piano and says, "How can anyone be called 'great' if he doesn't get to be king?"<br> <br>
Pelahnar almost 12 years ago
Catherine the Great was never a king. Was she? Huh? Huh? Was she?
decimator1337 about 10 years ago
If that’s what it takes to be called great… haha, well!
paullp Premium Member over 9 years ago
He never got his picture on bubble-gum cards either.
111111 almost 8 years ago
I think Lucy disagrees with Trump.
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
What about Elvis?
MrJamie1062 almost 7 years ago
Good point!
wiley207 about 3 years ago
King Beethoven… good grief, indeed!
Anton Sherwood over 2 years ago
“You don’t vote for composers!”
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
So Lucy’s basically saying that she’s not great because she THINKS she’s great but she’s not a queen.
kcj almost 2 years ago
Five days before Schubert’s death, his and Beethoven’s friend Karl Holz, and his string quartet visited to play for him. The last musical work he had wished to hear was the String Quartet No. 14 Op. 131. Holz commented: “The King of Harmony has sent the King of Song a friendly bidding to the crossing.”
[Beethoven died a year before Schubert]Source:
Opus_the_other_Penguin 6 months ago
What piece is Schroeder playing?