Peanuts by Charles Schulz for April 19, 1959
Lucy and Snoopy sit on the curb and watch Charlie Brown, who stands next to them and reads a piece of paper.<br> <br> They stand and face each other. "What do you have there, Charlie Brown?" "I've written a poem.." he answers.<br> <br> "Really? Read it.." Lucy commands. "All isn't very long.." Charlie Brown stands between Lucy and Snoopy.<br> <br> He reads: "Some days you think maybe you know everything...Some days you think maybe you don't know anything...Some days you think you know a few things...Some days you don't even know how old you are."<br> <br> Charlie Brown smiles at Lucy. Lucy and Snoopy stare blankly ahead.<br> <br> "That's the worst poem I've ever heard!" she declares. Snoopy's ears tremble.<br> <br> She throws out her arms and exclaims: "A poem is suppoed to have feeling! Your poem couldn't touch ANYONE'S heart! Your poem couldn't make ANYONE cry! Your poem couldn't.."<br> <br> WAAH! Lucy stops as Snoopy turns away and bawls.<br> <br> "Some days you think maybe you know everything...Some days you think maybe you.." Charlie Brown sits on the curb with Snoopy in his lap and reads the poem. Snoopy sniffs. Lucy walks off: "Good grief!" she says.<br> <br>
ootey over 7 years ago
yow4zip Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Makes you think.
LucyVanPelt is evil over 4 years ago
For the only time in my life I side with Lucy
dvankama 8 months ago
Snoopy being a loyal dog helping Charlie out
JoeTheDog Premium Member about 1 month ago
Wah -Waluigi’s reaction to this comic