Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 31, 1959
"Lucy and Charlie Brown are walking along and Lucy is telling Charlie Brown \"You're weak, you're homely, you're stupid, you're...\" <br> <br> They stop walking and Lucy turns to Charlie Brown as he says to her \"Now, wait a minute! It's only eight o'clock in the morning... you're starting in on me kind of early, aren't you? <br> <br> Charlie Brown has put his hands in his pocket waiting for a reply. Lucy holds her arms out and says \"I can;t help it, Charlie Brown...\" <br> <br> \"You have so many faults it takes a whole day to list them!\" Lucy says to Charlie Brown as she walks away. <br> <br> " description,"Lucy and Charlie Brown are walking along and Lucy is telling Charlie Brown \"You're weak, you're homely, you're stupid, you're...\" <br> <br> They stop walking and Lucy turns to Charlie Brown as he says to her \"Now, wait a minute! It's only eight o'clock in the morning... you're starting in on me kind of early, aren't you? <br> <br> Charlie Brown has put his hands in his pocket waiting for a reply. Lucy holds her arms out and says \"I can;t help it, Charlie Brown...\" <br> <br> \"You have so many faults it takes a whole day to list them!\" Lucy says to Charlie Brown as she walks away. <br> <br> "
Gray Sunflower over 10 years ago
Um, I believe that you have them too Lucy.
yow4zip Premium Member about 5 years ago
The early bird gets to insult Charlie Brown.
peanutsmean almost 5 years ago
Those things she listed weren’t faults. He couldn’t help them!
VMB! about 4 years ago
Alright! Charlie Brown Is anything but Stupid!
peanutsmean 2 months ago
End of 1959, one of the best years in Peanuts!
JoeTheDog Premium Member 5 days ago
Charles M. Schul