Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 23, 1961
Shermy stands on the baseball field and exclaims, "It's a high fly ball!" Charlie Brown stands on the pitcher's mound and says, "It's going right to Lucy!" Linus says, "If she catches it, we win the game!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "Catch it, Lucy . . . Please catch it . . . Please, please, please . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy stands still while the ball bounces right next to her.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown yells and throws his hat on the mound and says, "I can't stand it!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown walks over to Lucy and shouts, "What kind of an outfielder are you?!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown continues, "That ball only missed you by a foot!! Can't you see? What were you thinking about? What's wrong with you?!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "You're getting worse all the time! What do you want them to do, come out here and hand you the ball?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown yells, "What in the world made you miss that one?!!"<BR><BR> Lucy replies, "I was having my quiet time!"<BR><BR>
youmegoing about 11 years ago
HA!! then you say, “wahhh! we lost the game because of you!!!” It’s not his it’s his team’s fault
Daeder over 3 years ago
Charlie Brown should remember the times when he’s been the goat and consider how that felt before talking to Lucy about her error.
yow4zip Premium Member over 3 years ago
She was having her quiet time until HE came along.
Opus_the_other_Penguin over 1 year ago
Does “quiet time” refer to something specific? In some Christian circles it means a time of solitary prayer and Bible reading. Schulz would definitely make a joke like that, but I suspect that meaning of “quiet time” wasn’t part of his idiom.
JoeTheDog Premium Member 26 days ago
shut lucy.