Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 08, 1963
Lucy holds a box of chocolates and says, "Hey! You want a piece of candy?"<BR><BR> Linus says, "Chocolates, eh? How nice . . . Let's see now . . . I must make sure I don't get one with coconut in it . . . I can't stand coconut . . . Let's see now . . . Hmmm . . ."<BR><BR> Linus says, "That one looks like a cream, but you never know . . . That one could be a caramel . . . There's no divinity, is there? That one is probably coconut . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy rolls her eyes as Linus says, "The light colored ones are usually good although the dark colored ones are sometimes creams . . . I don't know about those square ones . . . I wonder if . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy screams, "Take one!" Linus flips over backwards.<BR><BR> Linus crawls over to the box and picks a chocolate.<BR><BR> Linus makes a face and exclaims, "Coconut!"<BR><BR>
LadyBlanc about 12 years ago
The square ones are almost always caramel. He should have taken a square one.
frednotfaith2 over 8 years ago
Of course, Lucy would have already eaten the non-coconut ones.
PaulWardle over 7 years ago
I still don’t understand after 45 years of reading these strips, what’s so bad about coconut that every character in this strip hates it? I personally like the taste of coconut, although I rarely eat it, or any chocolates…but if I ate a coconut flavoured…well anything…I certainly would not mind.
MrJamie1062 over 7 years ago
This strip is the quintessential example of what one can act like when there’s quite a variety to choose from. And of course, it can also be the finest example of bad luck befalling us at the worst time—when the last thing we want to have happen,or the last thing we wish for,actually does come true.
Silverwolf39 about 7 years ago
And this is why they give a guide for which chocolate is which now
snowdzg Premium Member over 3 years ago
(Quote about chocolate)
yow4zip Premium Member about 1 year ago
Choices, choices.
MrJamie51 2 months ago
“Will you STOP dilly-dallying and JUST TAKE ONE?!!” So Linus finally does, and what should he happen to select-the LAST KIND he wanted-COCONUT!!! Much to his BAD LUCK, UGH!!! Poor Linus.