Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 24, 1964
"Charlie Brown walks along and says, \"I hate feeling like this . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy sits at the psychiatric help stand. Charlie Brown sits down and says, \"I've come to you because lately I've . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds out her can and says, \"Wait a minute . . . Before you begin, I must ask that you pay in advance . . . five cents, please.\"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown reaches in his pocket for a nickel and drops it into the can.<BR><BR> Lucy clasps her hands together and says with a big smile, \"Boy! What a sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds up the can and says, \"How I love to hear that ol' money plink! The beautiful sound of cold, hard cash! That beautiful, beautiful sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy shakes the can and says, \"Plink! Plink! Plink! What a beautiful sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds up the can and says, \"Plink! Plink! Plink! Nickels! Nickels! Nickels! That beautiful sound of beautiful plinking nickels!\"<BR><BR> Lucy sits down and says, \"All right . . . Now what seems to be your trouble?\" Charlie Brown rolls his eyes and sighs.<BR><BR>" dialogue-text,"Charlie Brown walks along and says, \"I hate feeling like this . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy sits at the psychiatric help stand. Charlie Brown sits down and says, \"I've come to you because lately I've . . .\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds out her can and says, \"Wait a minute . . . Before you begin, I must ask that you pay in advance . . . five cents, please.\"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown reaches in his pocket for a nickel and drops it into the can.<BR><BR> Lucy clasps her hands together and says with a big smile, \"Boy! What a sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds up the can and says, \"How I love to hear that ol' money plink! The beautiful sound of cold, hard cash! That beautiful, beautiful sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy shakes the can and says, \"Plink! Plink! Plink! What a beautiful sound!\"<BR><BR> Lucy holds up the can and says, \"Plink! Plink! Plink! Nickels! Nickels! Nickels! That beautiful sound of beautiful plinking nickels!\"<BR><BR> Lucy sits down and says, \"All right . . . Now what seems to be your trouble?\" Charlie Brown rolls his eyes and sighs.<BR><BR>"
dsukenick over 11 years ago
This is from A Charlie Brown Christmas.
michael.bungay over 1 year ago
Lucy needs the money!
yow4zip Premium Member 10 months ago
Lucy’s trouble is greed.