Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 22, 1967
"Mom says to wash your hands for dinner!" Sally calls.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands on a stool in the bathroom and washes his hands.<BR><BR> He kneels and pets Snoopy "Excuse me, Snoopy, I have to go eat dinner.." Sally points and announces, "And you have to wash your hands again because you touched the dog!"<BR><BR> "Oh, good grief!" Charlie Brown says as he walks off. Snoopy's ears fly up: "'Touched the dog'?!" he thinks.<BR><BR> He leans towards Sally and thinks, "'Touched the dog'?!!!" "Stay away from me!! My hands are clean!" Sally draws back from Snoopy.<BR><BR> "Look out! I'm covered with disease! I'm filthy dirty!" Snoopy thinks as he raises his arms and chases after Sally. She runs, saying, "Stay away, I said!"<BR><BR> "Here comes the bubonic plague! Pat my head and get a handful of germs! Here comes the walking disease carrier! Beware! Beware!" Snoopy thinks. He grins evilly and advances towards Sally.<BR><BR> "Look out for me... I'm diseased! I'm contaminated! I'm..." Sally stands on top of the armchair and wails. Snoopy scrambles onto the seat, reaching afer her. "HELP!"<BR><BR> "'Touched the dog'! Good grief!" Snoopy thinks as he trots off.<BR><BR>
michdarkangel almost 11 years ago
Oh snoopy… U have more humanity than us humans
Best Commenter Ever almost 4 years ago
Covid these days
nancyb creator over 1 year ago
This is still one of my favorite PEANUTS strips. I loved reading it out loud to my Dad, when I was a kid.
markkahler52 12 months ago
A long time favorite of mine!!