Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 15, 1967

  1. Missing large
    phreak91  over 12 years ago

    Two amazing things about this strip. He was called a “friend” and he actually got mail from that “friend”.

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    Deleted Account2623  over 4 years ago

    Why do people do crap like this? It’s not fun

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  3. E6f0db8f ecbe 4150 942d 3a891df3c1b4
    thepinkbaroness  over 4 years ago

    Ah, another strip that’s on my Peanuts mug! (Panel 3) :)

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  4. 331eaf9d 4bd4 4af6 885f 796e9ae6be5d
    Wut_r_Those  almost 4 years ago

    What friends?

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