Linus walks with Sally. Sally says, "I worry about getting old . . ."<BR><BR> Linus replies, "That's nothing to worry about."<BR><BR> Sally says, "Of course, it's something to worry about . . ."<BR><BR> Sally continues, "Who wants to be nine?!!"<BR><BR>
Pelahnar over 11 years ago
No, Sally, this is really something that you don’t have to worse about. You’ve grown to this age and you’re going to stay that age for, I don’t know, another 40 years or so?
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
Crap! I’m 58
MrJamie1062 almost 9 years ago
I’m 47, and usually, my age really doesn’t sink in; when it does, sometimes, I admit, I do in fact feel jolted.