Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 06, 2002
Lucy: Charlie Brownnnn I'll hold the football, Charlie Brown, and you come running up, and kick it... Charlie Brown: I can't. I never do anything without consulting my psychiatrist... Lucy: Well, you go talk with your psychiatrist, and see what you want to do... okay? Charlie Brown: I have a strange problem. There's this girl, see, and she's always trying to get me to kick this football, but she also always pulls it away and I land on my back and kill myself... Lucy: She sounds like an interesting girl... Sort of a fun type... I get the impression that you have a real need to kick this football... I think you should try it! I think you should try it because in medical terms, you have what we call the "need to need to try it" Charlie Brown: I'm glad I talked with my psychiatrist because this year I'm gonna kick that ball clear to the moon! AUGH! Wham Lucy: Unfortunately, Charlie Brown, your average psychiatrist knows very little about kicking footballs
marcop626 about 6 years ago
how does she manages to trick him every time i mean come dude be smarter and say no i find it wired how people in cartons never say no
PBS1! over 5 years ago
Moral: Always beware bias in your information sources.