Dr. Thompson: Now Mom, you have to hold on real tight sometimes when I break the skin the baby flies off like a loose balloon! While you were giggling, I give your shot! And now you get a dinosaur band-aid!
Thatababy: This guy is good.
Baby is lucky. 50+ years ago the doc would take care of my hypophobia by summoning a phalanx of nurses who would jam me face down on the cot until the dastardly deed was done. then try to bribe me with a free sucker so I wouldn’t come back and slash his tires later. :)
rover Premium Member over 13 years ago
Baby is lucky. 50+ years ago the doc would take care of my hypophobia by summoning a phalanx of nurses who would jam me face down on the cot until the dastardly deed was done. then try to bribe me with a free sucker so I wouldn’t come back and slash his tires later. :)
TheDOCTOR over 13 years ago
Good Job, Doc.
comicgirl1000 over 13 years ago
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Ha. That’s funny, Rover.
dradk over 13 years ago
i want to be that doc! :)
adoragem123 over 3 years ago
if that was true, I would be able to fly & refuse my bandage!