W.T. Duck by Aaron Johnson for January 06, 2009

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    First comment on the 2nd strip ever! This has to be a record.

    I don’t see my streak ending any time soon.

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    Muchak  about 16 years ago

    Terrence, how do you do it? I mean what’s your secret? Do you take vitamin supplements or eat Tofu or does it just come naturally? Also, do you have any training secrets?

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    claudermilk  about 16 years ago

    So should I burst the bubble & point out that while newly syndicated & just picked up here (very cool!), the strip has been around for a couple of years? >:)

    Congrats on making it to here, Aaron.

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    To Muchak: Thanks, man. Everything’s happening organically at this point. I’m in the zone. Certainly a diet low in polyunsaturated fats is helping.

    To Claudermilk: I see the forked tongue of jealousy has once again stained this beautiful strip and my resultant fame.

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    claudermilk  about 16 years ago

    ROFLMAO! Not at all. Knock yourself out. It’s good to have a new convert. The more people following the strip, the more secure we are in having Aaron keep on writing them. BTW, free plug for him: check the WTD goodies on Cafepress. Great shirts for photo geeks.

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    silver_banana33  about 16 years ago

    awesome. i want to say that every time someone makes a comment like that to me…

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