W.T. Duck by Aaron Johnson for January 10, 2009
Client: No one reads my blog. W.T.: That's because you write too much. As Marshall Mcluhan said, "the medium is the message." The digital age is upon us. In-depth reading isn't required and images have become more important, making it the dark ages for writers but the golden ages for photographers. Pretty wild, huh? Client: Sorry, I spaced after panel one.
calvinandquestionmark about 16 years ago
What does W.T. stand for? I’m guessing “What The”…
ralphman about 16 years ago
why the duck not?
claudermilk about 16 years ago
First guess was correct. Too “racy” for syndication apparently.
McGuffin about 16 years ago
Where was terrence on this one??? His comments are half the reason I read this strip. The half being the strip itself.