Mondale … bless his heart. The election Berkeley is satirizing (from an oblique angle lol) was one of history’s truly unreal landslide presidential elections: Reagan won 59% of the popular vote, compared to Mondale’s 40%, but won 525 of the available 538 electoral votes (most in history) — Mondale won only his home state, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia.
CoachRDW1 over 4 years ago
Mondale … bless his heart. The election Berkeley is satirizing (from an oblique angle lol) was one of history’s truly unreal landslide presidential elections: Reagan won 59% of the popular vote, compared to Mondale’s 40%, but won 525 of the available 538 electoral votes (most in history) — Mondale won only his home state, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia.
Squirrel Chaser over 2 years ago
40%? I though it was more like 14%