Wow. Cory (the writer, not the character) suckered me good and proper. Here I was all rooting for Erika to escape and all along it was a deliberate maneuver on her part.
in that maybe he decided to face head on the lag-time between strip-time and real-time, and give the readers a little nudge-nudge in the process.
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Uh, just who said Quincy was all that good-looking? I think he’s kind of on the average end.
JacaByte over 15 years ago
Hence Omar’s punch line.
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Wow. Cory (the writer, not the character) suckered me good and proper. Here I was all rooting for Erika to escape and all along it was a deliberate maneuver on her part.
De gustibus non disputandem.
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Also: in that maybe he decided to face head on the lag-time between strip-time and real-time, and give the readers a little nudge-nudge in the process.