Nick Anderson for May 22, 2009

  1. Images
    JerryGorton  about 15 years ago

    Obama has seen the light of day after being a Senator/lawyer and informed only by the leftist lawyers about GITMO. He is now addressing the real problems and will solve them in a realistic manner! The “Close GITMO” cry is carried largely by leftist greedy lawyers, who would like to get them on U.S. soil and into U.S. courts. There fees would be guaranteed through unlimited appeals forever. They don’t care about the prisoners, just the fees!

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    cjkinsey  about 15 years ago

    Why should it be left open, what purpose does Gitmo serve?

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  3. Willow
    nomad2112  about 15 years ago

    cjkinsey, maybe you think we should just let the monsters loose? Or run them through our justice system so they can be put in American prisons where they are sure to attempt to recruit more to their cause. Just Google “4 arrested in NY plot to bomb Jewish temple”. We’ll have more of these “home grown terrorists” if Prez Obamus get’s his way.

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  4. Buddy
    lalas  about 15 years ago

    Nomad – Your false dichotomy of keep them in Gitmo or turn them loose is weak. I’m glad our leaders have more imagination and problem-solving skills than you.

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    Opus4210  about 15 years ago

    Nomad, you just made a huge leap in logic. How do the “home grown terrorists” in NY relate to Gitmo at all? They were three white guys and a Haitian, so they have none of the same interests. They will get their day in a US court, which is why we have a justice system. And the whole issue of whether putting Gitmo prisoners in US prisons would be more dangerous was just a scare tactic put out by NIMBY politicos. The fact is that, if they are put into US prisons, they will be in SuperMax prisons where they will have something like 20 minutes a day outside of their cells and under close guard, hardly the conditions for a conspiracy.

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  6. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  about 15 years ago

    “They were three white guys and a Haitian, so they have none of the same interests.”

    All 4 are black and Muslims. They converted while in prison.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 15 years ago

    1; not all muslims are jew, 2; not all jew haters are muslims ( example; the very “grassroots” KKK)

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 15 years ago

    olfart has a point, put the chicken in Gitmo and we’d find out why it crossed the street and yet even under torture, no accusation stuck to these people.

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    kellykid  about 15 years ago

    Wake up - the GITMO prisioners were captured making war against the US. It sure would have been much easier if the policy was TAKE NO Prisioners!

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  10. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 15 years ago

    Quite a few of the people in Gitmo were handed over by local rivals, or were sold by the sort of bounty hunters who would have sold your mother to the Yanks for the bounties offered. Go see the movie Taxi To The Dark Side for a real example of the abuses. We have a tradition going way back into British common law, of ‘show us the body’ and ‘confront your accuser’, and that’s for everybody, not just US citizens. Our reputation used to be pretty good; fighters would surrender to Americans, because they knew they would be treated at least fairly.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    olfart and pb both raise key points in maintaining our REAL defense against the most serious terrorists, the home-grown nut cases that are willing and eager to throw away OUR protections in law and the Constitution. We should fear and hate not foreigners, but screamers and liars like Limbaugh, Gingrich and Cheney. We CAN have trials and put criminals in prisons, WHEN AND IF FOUND GUILTY OF CRIMES. We CAN prosecute and contain those guilty of “war crimes”, but they’d better have been involved in a war declared by Congress, and part of a GOVERNMENT at war with the U.S.

    I saw “suspects” turned in as Viet Cong, who had only “offended” their neighbors, and the Vietnamese were a LOT more rational, and had fewer tribal differences than in either Iraq or Afghanistan. If your neighbor refused to turn down his stereo, don’t file a noise complaint, tell the police he’s a terrorist who shot at police or the military- that would be an example in a U.S. neighborhood of what happened to fill cells at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and it’s still going on.

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