The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for November 03, 2008
November 02, 2008
November 04, 2008
Editor: Listen, Spock - when I hired you to do the horoscopes, I expected you to use more than, "live long and prosper," and "be logical." Where's your sense of humor?
The first square is blank, which means that the first day of the month is either a Monday or Tuesday depending on the Calendar layout. June is the first month that meets that description in 2009 - Sept and Dec are the others but it appears there is only 30 days so that rules out Dec. I don’t normally nitpick, just thought it odd to be a 2009 calendar to begin with, then looked closer….
Nugget0 Premium Member about 16 years ago
I notice the calendar, but who’s the guy in the picture?
margueritem about 16 years ago
He’s the guy from Bad Reporter.
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
My question is, why is that calendar already flipped to June 2009?
margueritem about 16 years ago
DF: I can’t see where it says June…
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
The first square is blank, which means that the first day of the month is either a Monday or Tuesday depending on the Calendar layout. June is the first month that meets that description in 2009 - Sept and Dec are the others but it appears there is only 30 days so that rules out Dec. I don’t normally nitpick, just thought it odd to be a 2009 calendar to begin with, then looked closer….
margueritem about 16 years ago
DF, way too much work for me to go through! ;-)
runar about 16 years ago
You expect an astrologer to be worried about todeay? Of couse the calendar is for the future!
Earthling Premium Member over 6 years ago
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”