Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 06, 2009

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    ElVicente  about 16 years ago

    Justice is at hand!

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  2. Dilbert
    xPappyx  about 16 years ago

    Vote for Todd Doshier he’s the Head Chair of the school board that fired the Girl’s Basketball coach for winning 100 - 0

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  3. Mrbean
    tc-77  about 16 years ago

    Hands down this year - Sean Avery Dallas Stars. Or should I say former Dallas Star.

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    coltsfan1959  about 16 years ago

    Vote for Micah Grimes - the idiot coach who ran up the score in the girls high school basketball game in Texas, and thinks it’s o.k.

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    ironwrkr  about 16 years ago

    Bonehead of the year vote for Plaxico Burris. Of course that’s a no brainer.

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    scatman34  about 16 years ago

    Al Davis should get a lifetime achievement award but my vote goes to Plaxico Burris

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    AHock  about 16 years ago

    How can you not vote for Manny… $25 million for 162 working days in not enough money?

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    AHock  about 16 years ago

    coltsfan1959 says:

    Vote for Micah Grimes - the idiot coach who ran up the score in the girls high school basketball game in Texas, and thinks it’s o.k.

    “It is not my job to stop my offense, that is the other coach’s job” - Steve Spurrier

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  9. Cigarette
    Iphelia  about 16 years ago

    micah grimes = Classless and clueless.

    It’s high school. You’re at a Christian school. Be a teacher, not a businessman.

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    chemiclord  about 16 years ago

    I’d like to nominate and present the case for William Clay Ford Sr., owner of the Detroit Lions.

    Firstly, his disdain for the media and the “little people” who DARE tell him how to run HIS team caused him to cling for eight years to the worst General Manager in the history of professional sports. It took his son basically calling him a fool to the national media to finally bring Willie to ax his buddy Matt Millen.

    Then, to reward the fanbase for sticking with the worst stretch of “professional” football in the NFL, the worst season in league (and perhaps all of sports) history, he then PROMOTES two of the cronies responsible for the catastrophe without ANY national search or interviews.

    On top of this, he has never faced the music, refuses interviews, will not deign himself to appear before the commoners that support his team, and basically forces everyone under him to take the flak from the understandably irate fans.

    Forget Sean Avery (who is just an idiot) or some coach who was simply doing his/her job (it’s not his/her responsibility to stop his/her own team from scoring)… ladies and gentlemen, William Clay Ford Sr. deserves this honor.

    Now if only there was a Lifetime Achievement Award…

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    klangenfarben  about 16 years ago

    If tankmcnamara.com redirects to here at gocomics, where’s the voting mechanism?

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    thebigkittykat  about 16 years ago

    Agree 100% with Chemiclord. Not even TO, Palaxico, Vick or Ocho Cinco have done as much damage to their teams. 0-16 is as close as you can to destroying a team KING OF THE JERKS!!!

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    mooregg  about 16 years ago

    NY Giants Plaxico Burress for 1) taking a handgun to a club, 2) having it fall from his waistband INTO his pants and 3) finally shooting himself trying to retrieve it.

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    suzyfarris  about 16 years ago

    Micha Grimes ….. running up the score for self satisfaction is just wrong.

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  15. Me
    vmi1982  about 16 years ago

    I’m sure that Plaxico Burris deserves the highest honors, but ther are so many escellent runners up. Michael Phelps is a close second. I guess his case goes to show the pot does weaken your judgement (letting yourself be filmed smoking it).

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    jhorton56  about 16 years ago

    Michael Phelps, hands down. has already kissed off millions of $$$ and may have to retire. What a dumbass.

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  17. Dan
    Dan Meyer  about 16 years ago

    Nah, Doshier and Burris were idiots - Brett Favre was a JERK with a capital J the way he held the Packers hostage.

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  18. Longhorn
    dragonass  about 16 years ago

    Lane Kippen for starting bleeep with SEC coaches before he can even get them on the field.

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  19. E 140 paris public w c
    sumo13  about 16 years ago

    Should be able to vote for the top 10 (all tied) as there are so many every year.

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  20. E 140 paris public w c
    sumo13  about 16 years ago

    Vote for Jerry Jones. Rich, educated and obviously a jerk.

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  21. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member about 16 years ago


    In case you didn’t see this…


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  22. E 140 paris public w c
    sumo13  about 16 years ago

    Leave M. Phelps alone. He made a dumb mistake (a set up by idiots in college), owned up to it (which hardly any other so called sports idols do) and is paying a price for it. How many of you out there (playing jury, judge and executioner) haven’t done the same? He hasn’t cost anyone their jobs, homes, retirement funds or lives, so chill.

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