Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 08, 2011
Gunther: "When I finished the gown, I knew it was goofy. But there wasn't time to fix it" Luann: "You'd have needed about 7 months" Gunther: "I just hoped you'd make it look better than it was. And you did" Luann: "Hey, put goofy me in a goofy gown and I make the gown look normal"
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
Gunther, where did you find the goofy dress pattern?
doverdan over 13 years ago
Could the dress have been a simple error. ?? He must have known what it would look like.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Gunther and Luann seem to be soul-mates, but not romantically attracted to one another. I hope Rosa doesn’t just fade from the scene….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Thare’s something almost Commedia Dell’Arte about that dress — like some 1920’s Art Deco revival of Pagliaci…. but with a little touch of those “Dolls of all Nations” sets from when I was a kid, with interchangeable costumes that were never quite recognizably from any specific country. A shawl here, a pompom there, a puffed sleeve or a ruffled skirt, and a funny little hat.
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Oh, oh. Luann’s making Ga-Ga, er, I MEAN Goo-Goo eyes at Gunther in Panel 2! Besides, doesn’t she have a ‘thing’ for that Quill guy?
lewisbower over 13 years ago
A copy of Vogue, a pattern, material, scissors and sewing machine and two weeks later an $800 creation that cost $40. There is alot to be said for a Scott heritage.
autumnfire1957 over 13 years ago
Sounds like that rule about multiplying negative numbers-2 goofs make a normal.
TheDOCTOR over 13 years ago
Luann, quit that. The only thing “Goofy” is your attitude toward yourself. As for the dress, tear away the Pink and green ruffles and that ‘Judy Jetson’ overskirt and you have Luann in a Black evening dress looking Gorgeous & Very HOT indeed!
jadelovesjelly over 13 years ago
Well, the shoes look okay!!!
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
You have to give Luann credit for wearing that dress. She could have skipped that part of the competion.
jadoo823 over 13 years ago
…Luann wasn’t making eyes at Gunther – that was sort of an eyebrow wiggle a la Groucho – they are doing a Burns/Gracie routine…
larryvanover over 13 years ago
Gunther was concentrating too much on “pleasing” Luann. As his self confidence continues to kick in Luann will realize too late what a gem he is.
MontanaLady over 13 years ago
Awwwww….that last statement sure was nice…..
arsmall over 13 years ago
Multiply 2 negatives and you get a positive…I like those numbers, you go Luann.
Buggerlugs over 13 years ago
I thought Rosa was created just to round out the field in the pageant. I hope she sticks around. This strip could use a latino character. At first I thought she was Asian. Maybe her parents are here illegally. That would yield an abundance of story material
Rakkav over 13 years ago
Best comment I’ve seen in a very, very long time about Luann. Yep, she’s one of the tribe (my tribe, ENFP).
doverdan over 13 years ago
In retrospect, they are both pleased with how the dress went over. Luann has a sense of humor, even about herself.
RBLawyer over 13 years ago
Notice that Lu is leaning towards Gunther. Invading his space. That’s a clue! Gunther MOVE….
arbyisme over 13 years ago
It will never work out for Luann and Quill. Bi-continental relationships are tricky. He will leave for home for a life down under and probably never come back. Luann sure as shootin’ isn’ going to follow him and leave her family, friends and the good old USA. Could be wrong but doubt it. Gunth is a keeper.
arbyisme over 13 years ago
Imbal….. Oh, true love finds a way. But that sure is a lot of family resources for visiting.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
When I was a young married (1960 and on) the only fashions I had to see free was Elsa Klench who used to comment on Women’s Wear Daily. There were a few illustrations but mostly just descriptions- but I still designed many dresses for myself just with that. And I purchased my fabrics at very low cost (sales etc).
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
I Love you Leviticus
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
where ever you are
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Awwww. Friendship!