Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 15, 2009
Alice: First, let me point out The Petey's bookshelves. Note the care with which he gathers and stores comic books, catalogs and expired pizza coupons. Beni: Ah! Alice: Now we pass The Petey's window, which serves no evident purpose as he's never once looked out of it. On to the under-bed area. Here The Petey keeps the shoebox diroamas he fashions to make sense of a big, confusing world. Dill: Ah-ha. Alice: Finally, The Petey himself. Note how his gaze does not flicker from the reading material, and yet he maintains an instinctive awareness of our presence. Petey: ALICE - Beni: Ah. Petey: They're "graphic novels," not "comic books." Alice: Thank you! Please come again! Dill: That was very enjoyable! Beni: It was like a TV nature shoe, but with the nature part removed.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Did she charge admission?
rayannina over 15 years ago
Expired pizza coupons?!?
uh-ohkid over 15 years ago
“The Petey” - LMAO Richard!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
The laughter would be worth the price of admission!
Destiny23 over 15 years ago
It appears we have a serial packrat in the making… But an organized one at least!
comics4brown over 15 years ago
Yep, that window has no apparent purpose since not only does Petey never look out of it, but he’s also on the gloomy side so probably doesn’t care if there’s sunshine in his room or not… And yes, I’d pay at least a quarter for that tour, probably even 30 cents!!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
And so begins Alice’s career as a tour guide.
Steve Parmelee Premium Member over 15 years ago
I discover, from time to time, that I, too, have a collection of expired pizza coupons. Not that this is a good thing.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
This comic is like watching a TV talk show, but with the commercials removed.
tgrfemme over 15 years ago
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Mr. Thompson intended - I could be wrong - but “The Petey” cracks me up because it reminds me of how Donald Trump is sometimes referred to as “The Donald.” I find the dichotomy between Mr. Trump’s persona and Petey’s personality to be an amusing concept! :)
andymeijers over 15 years ago
I think it is sweet how tolerant the Petey is toward his twisted sister. Most big brothers would be screaming at multiple short people invading their space.