Sylvia by Nicole Hollander for April 19, 2001

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    notaserialkiller  about 2 years ago

    I… I think you might be the person who made one of my favourite cat books that I picked up in New York thirty years ago. I still have it, and have even memorised a lot of it. I know this is a hell of a long shot but if it’s you, and you see this comment… I don’t know what to say except omg THANK YOU. Thank you so, so much. That book is never far from my mind. It’s a treasure in my eyes and one of those things that can immediately transport me back to being that nine year old Australian kid on an adventure of a lifetime. Not to mention some of the funniest little stories that have stayed with me since. I opened this comic because I was sure I recognised the art style and handwriting, but the cat on this page… I… I know that cat? Immediately, I “saw” it with another cat and a donut on a page about cats supposedly not tasting sugar, and the cat’s just like “yeah I’m gagging right now” as it licks the icing.

    Please be who I think you are? And please be happy and in good health. And if you are who you seem to be, then I hope it brings you some form of joy to know the impact you’ve had on this internet stranger, and I hope I can somehow figure out how to repay you for the decades of smiles and laughs (and, perhaps oddly – the comfort and moments of remembering when things were better) that you’ve given me – admittedly a person who doesn’t find much reason to do either of those things enough these days.

    Just… thank you. And I hope life has treated you well.

    I’m going to have to look through my books tomorrow, I think.

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