The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 20, 1999
John: Do you think a movie named "Booty Call" will really make me more racially sensitive, sir? Principal: The black kid behind the counter said it was a classic. Look, we have "Truck Turner," B.A.P.S." "Black Belt Jones" - all powerful portrayals of the black experience, according to that kid - and he should know. See here? Jim Kelly in "Black Samurai." I bet you didn't even know there were black samurai. You're learning already. John: Sir, was the kid behind the counter laughing when you rented these? Teacher: They're a naturally jovial people, John.
Two Crocodiles in the bar about 3 years ago
andrew_c about 2 years ago
To be fair, still better than most diversity training
FrostbiteFalls 7 months ago
The kid behind the counter was definitely yanking his chain.