The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 21, 1999

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    Mskccemp09  about 15 years ago

    That hair touching thing is pretty annoying…ours is thicker and far less managable than yours…we get it…

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    comics04  about 14 years ago

    I never hear about it going the other way. Which is probably for the best. It would be pretty weird if someone basically asked if they could pet me.

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    sziszi216  almost 14 years ago

    RIGHT! That bugs the bleeep out of me…everybody is always like “wow your hair is so soft and straight, can I touch it?” or “is that your real hair?” its called a RELAXER!

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    krys723  about 12 years ago

    The hair thing is so annoying! I had like one white girl as a friend and all she ever wanted to do was touch my hair because it was in an Afro. I glared at her and she backed off…I hate people like that!!!

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    Benmallardsays   over 10 years ago

    As a black male brought up in white suburbia I can relate to this.

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    JaxReaper  about 1 year ago

    Man, she had to ask the question

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