The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 28, 1999
Voice on phone: (Sigh) Hello, Riley, this is Ms. Peterson, your teacher at school. I need to speak with your grandfather - we need another chaperone for an upcoming trip. Is he in? Riley: Well, well, well, Ms. Peterson...Looks like the shoe's on the other foot, huh? Yeah, you ain't so tough when you're outside your jurisdiction, huh? Looks like I'm in control of this situation, ain't that right? Ms. Peterson: Look, Riley, I've had a really bad day, so put your grandfather on the phone now!!! Riley: Hey!! Don't you ever yell on my phone. What, I'm supposed to be scared 'cause you put some bass in your voice? And I thought I told you to address me as Mr. Escobar.... Ms. Peterson: Ooooh, are you ever gonna get it tomorrow... (click) Huey: You know, that kinda thing is gonna be a lot less amusing when you're 15 and still in the third grade!! Riley: Hey! As far as you know, that was a wrong number.
niiko 11 months ago
so cute in that lil’ durag ..