The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for December 01, 1999
Granddad: ...No, I never was good at shopping - I can't stand it. Woman: Oh I love it. It's all I do. It gets me out and about, it's good exercise... Granddad: Well, if you wouldn't mind, maybe you could do my grocery shopping for me...I mean...I'd be happy to pay - Woman: Oh you poor man. Why didn't you tell me you didn't have any food? Please, keep what's in my bag. Granddad: No, I don't think you - Woman: I insist. I know colored folks have a hard time. Better this than Welfare, or robbing a liquor store. Granddad: - understand. Woman: I'll bring you more food next week! Keep hope alive!
doeboy1995 over 14 years ago
what da hell
calmal32 almost 14 years ago
Aww and I was liking the old lady too. She’s a nut!
RoxasOrDie almost 12 years ago
Well, at least they get some free food…?
Ye-absira about 4 years ago
tsow167 about 4 years ago
dawg what
Laalfasso over 3 years ago
cures my depression
J. Cole about 1 year ago
…. I don’t even know what to say