The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for January 09, 2001
January 08, 2001
January 10, 2001
Riley: Ok, I think I've found the perfect guy to name myself after. Ready? Huey: Wait, this is gonna be ridiculous, so let me prepare myself. (Sigh) Ok...I think I'm ready...shoot. Riley: Osama bin Laden. Huey: Nope, wasn't ready.
he was fingered for being behind the first World Trade Center bombing in ’93, and the embassy bombings in Africa. Also possibly the USS Cole bombing, and the Blackhawk Down incident. Clinton tried to kill him with a missile strike in ’98 but missed. Republicans squealed that Clinton was just trying to deflect attention from the Lewinsky scandal. The outgoing Clinton admin tried to brief the incoming Bush people about the Bin Laden problem, but they were not interested.
BenderSastre over 12 years ago
Wait, people knew his name before he landed a special spot on our hot-seat list?
Coolyfett about 5 years ago
Wow Riley predicted he was a major bad guy nearly 8 months before 9-11.
vze2mf69 over 4 years ago
he was fingered for being behind the first World Trade Center bombing in ’93, and the embassy bombings in Africa. Also possibly the USS Cole bombing, and the Blackhawk Down incident. Clinton tried to kill him with a missile strike in ’98 but missed. Republicans squealed that Clinton was just trying to deflect attention from the Lewinsky scandal. The outgoing Clinton admin tried to brief the incoming Bush people about the Bin Laden problem, but they were not interested.