The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 13, 2001
Jazmine: Where you going? Huey: To the video store to find some "Fat Albert" tapes. Jazmine: What's "Fat Albert"? Huey: What's "Fat Albert"?! Only the greatest cartoon ever made! Conceived by Bill Cosby, master of positive black entertainment. Jazmine: What's it about. Huey: A grotesquely overwieght kid named Fat Albert and his friends Dumb Donald, Weird Harold, Mushmouth, etc.
suzannetangerine almost 13 years ago
I saw these all the time when I was in elementary school—they were filmstrips we saw in class. And the only blessed thing I remember was the “hey hey hey!” I do remember I liked them. But would they be considered to have a positive message now, in 2012? I have no idea.
Brent Sin 6 months ago
Hmm, this did not age well, unlike Mr. McGruder’s criticisms of Puffy.