Pluggers by Rick McKee for January 19, 2009

  1. Obamamickeymouse2
    j0e-bl0  about 16 years ago

    Baby talk stunts the development of infants and makes them STUPID. You then spend the next 3 years trying to get rid of those Idiotic speech impediments! Stop it!!!

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  2. Missing large
    queertoons  about 16 years ago

    ‘Fraid not. Baby talk helps babies sort out from the babble messages and emotions that are directed at them. It’s a part of the way we learn and teach language. At a minimum, it can function as an attention-focuser; it can also be useful in communicating with certain other animals.

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  3. Obamamickeymouse2
    j0e-bl0  about 16 years ago


    I know couples that have babies speaking perfect english at 18 months and they did it by starting EARLY with pronunciation! . Smarter too.

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