The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 24, 2002
Huey: Let's see...Politics? Crooks? News? All lies. Movie and Music reviews? Garbage. Let's see...Horoscope...Horoscope..Here we go. Huey reading: While you fancy yourself a bold and uncompromising voice of political dissent and an astute cultural and social critic in many ways, you're just a plain old hater. Lighten up. Unfortunately, you are unable to accept reasonable criticism, and you will toss aside this paper and go on about your day as usual. Huey: Can't fight destiny.
comics04 almost 14 years ago
I’m starting to think Riley is writing these horoscopes.
furrykef almost 13 years ago
Are you kidding? Riley is barely literate. Caesar, on the other hand…
FrostbiteFalls 5 months ago
Good old self-fulfilling prophecies.