The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 09, 2005
March 08, 2005
March 10, 2005
Man: All the best karate fighters been white Steven Seagal, David Carradine...Jean-Claude Van Damme's the best martial artist in the world. He could kill a man with his butt-cheek power.
…Why is Ruckus at their house? How did Grandad and Ruckus suddenly become friends enough to be talkin’ mess at his face with little-to-no reaction from him?
RoxasOrDie almost 12 years ago
…Why is Ruckus at their house? How did Grandad and Ruckus suddenly become friends enough to be talkin’ mess at his face with little-to-no reaction from him?
REMTI999 over 4 years ago
i’m asking myself the same question too