Maybe he’s going to give her more food then he gets so now he’s even more worried. Ever think of that? Dont just jump to conclusions. Sheesh… :p
Great story-telling touches in the art by Scancarelli… the gaunt Slim in panel 3…
Slim, starve. Yeah right. It might be good for him to lose some of that belly, though…
Nipponkid over 16 years ago
Maybe he’s going to give her more food then he gets so now he’s even more worried. Ever think of that? Dont just jump to conclusions. Sheesh… :p
axe-grinder over 16 years ago
Great story-telling touches in the art by Scancarelli… the gaunt Slim in panel 3…
g6793 over 16 years ago
Slim, starve. Yeah right. It might be good for him to lose some of that belly, though…