April 15th, 2012, marks the twenty-sixth anniversary of the brutal murder of my first wife and youngest son at the hands of my second son, who remains incarcerated by the state penal system. This awful event has never been far from my mind but on this date each year I become almost as dysfunctional as I was the day it happened. My surviving family members share my dread of this annual macabre observance. A few years ago, when I was, shall we say, less than sober, I found means to obliterate the images one conjures up when remembering such horror, but today I understand the futility of that choice. So … we shall be in seclusion for a day or two … with this note being our only communication. Please don’t feel you should respond in any way … it isn’t necessary. Believe me … I know you wish us the best. Just let it pass
APOI – As I said in ByE last night, I choose not to let it pass. I can only imagine your pain and I want you to know that you are in my prayers today. I am praying that God will help you get through this day.
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
April 15th, 2012, marks the twenty-sixth anniversary of the brutal murder of my first wife and youngest son at the hands of my second son, who remains incarcerated by the state penal system. This awful event has never been far from my mind but on this date each year I become almost as dysfunctional as I was the day it happened. My surviving family members share my dread of this annual macabre observance. A few years ago, when I was, shall we say, less than sober, I found means to obliterate the images one conjures up when remembering such horror, but today I understand the futility of that choice. So … we shall be in seclusion for a day or two … with this note being our only communication. Please don’t feel you should respond in any way … it isn’t necessary. Believe me … I know you wish us the best. Just let it pass
davidf42 almost 13 years ago
APOI – As I said in ByE last night, I choose not to let it pass. I can only imagine your pain and I want you to know that you are in my prayers today. I am praying that God will help you get through this day.
davidf42 almost 13 years ago
Morning, Anniephans! Wonder what Warbucks has in mind.