This is an interesing story and up to date in todays times regarding the kidnapping of people in Mexico and other countries both east & west.Holding one or more for ransom(or 32 T-72 Russian takes,missles,etc) is the easier softer(maybe) way of making a $. I reflect on Warbucks being in good shape mentally&physically which is a lesson for me and perhaps others too.
jabo over 16 years ago
This is an interesing story and up to date in todays times regarding the kidnapping of people in Mexico and other countries both east & west.Holding one or more for ransom(or 32 T-72 Russian takes,missles,etc) is the easier softer(maybe) way of making a $. I reflect on Warbucks being in good shape mentally&physically which is a lesson for me and perhaps others too.
davidf42 over 7 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
The Warbucks double doesn’t seem to be allowed to participate in the executive decisions. He’s only an actor for the public’s eyes, and that’s all.