Isn’t worldwide international kind of overkill? I mean, isnn’t worldwide pretty much international? And shouldndn’t amalgamated be in there somewhere? And if you have the Asp and Pubjab on your side, isn’t it Invinxible? I mean, even without signing statements, Oliver Warbucks rules the world. Why did he let pipsqueak draft dodgers run world economy into the ground for eight years? The Asp knows, and it’s for you to find out. One way or another, the pipsqueak draft dodgers that had ‘better things to do’ their lawyer’s asses are all going to be disbarred.
The little Twitters created an astounding mess, and now they’re nattering about it not being fixed immediately. Immediately. It took their dumbasses since 1980 to create this misanthropic patch of quicksand. So, would they shut the grass-mud horse up and pitch in?
I realize this sort of rant sounds like it belomgs with mindless duck-gumming that goes on at some Fillmore or State of the Union Site. But Holy Shite, we’re talking about6 being Americans. We believe in the Bill of Rights. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for a coke-addled idiot with Mr. Siz Deferments demeaning veterans that actually put down terriss, but the terriss were sort of unfortunately connected to freedom fighters, and Ollie North, and Fawn Hall’s underpants.
Maybe I’m making too much of Annie. Everybody, everybody ridiculed John Kerry when he said errism was a police matter. Several million disopssesed and dead Iraqis ptobably don’t think Bushco and John Bolton worldview are very funny. These people are war ctiminals. Nobody’s ever going to nail most of their guilty asses. But let them step foot out of the US.
Truth an reconciliation is a good thing. What should you expect in the US if you said the President was a dictator and the Bill of Rights and international law wnbedded at Nuremburg was so much “quaint? roilet paper? If you aren’t an idiot, and you know this is idiocy, but you fon’ judy gomrny iy, uou vlsim that its some sort of ptophecy to keep us all safe after you ignored an explicit warning because your brain said it was politic to ignoue it.
These things aren’t mafe up, they happened. And any threat forestalled was stopped by police work. Meanwhile, Bush stopped the idiots uin Miami that wanted btee sshoes and Jose Padolla, the dirty bomber who’s IQ is around 70. They caught the Pzzxa guys. Befinitely had something beter to do.
If ytou think these morons kept you safe from anything, you’re a bigger moron and a sorrier Patriot than they are.
wndrwrthg almost 16 years ago
I am surprised he has not contacted headquarters by now.
linsonl almost 16 years ago
Must be a Cuban cigar he’s smoking.
bmckee almost 16 years ago
Of course it’s a Cuban cigar. Embargoes mean nothing to Warbucks. (Or Canadians, but that’s a whole other story.)
susanwobb almost 16 years ago
“Embargoes”? He’s *in* Cuba!
mrprongs almost 16 years ago
There, they just call them cigars.
boozoothatswho almost 16 years ago
Isn’t worldwide international kind of overkill? I mean, isnn’t worldwide pretty much international? And shouldndn’t amalgamated be in there somewhere? And if you have the Asp and Pubjab on your side, isn’t it Invinxible? I mean, even without signing statements, Oliver Warbucks rules the world. Why did he let pipsqueak draft dodgers run world economy into the ground for eight years? The Asp knows, and it’s for you to find out. One way or another, the pipsqueak draft dodgers that had ‘better things to do’ their lawyer’s asses are all going to be disbarred.
The little Twitters created an astounding mess, and now they’re nattering about it not being fixed immediately. Immediately. It took their dumbasses since 1980 to create this misanthropic patch of quicksand. So, would they shut the grass-mud horse up and pitch in?
I realize this sort of rant sounds like it belomgs with mindless duck-gumming that goes on at some Fillmore or State of the Union Site. But Holy Shite, we’re talking about6 being Americans. We believe in the Bill of Rights. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for a coke-addled idiot with Mr. Siz Deferments demeaning veterans that actually put down terriss, but the terriss were sort of unfortunately connected to freedom fighters, and Ollie North, and Fawn Hall’s underpants.
Maybe I’m making too much of Annie. Everybody, everybody ridiculed John Kerry when he said errism was a police matter. Several million disopssesed and dead Iraqis ptobably don’t think Bushco and John Bolton worldview are very funny. These people are war ctiminals. Nobody’s ever going to nail most of their guilty asses. But let them step foot out of the US.
Truth an reconciliation is a good thing. What should you expect in the US if you said the President was a dictator and the Bill of Rights and international law wnbedded at Nuremburg was so much “quaint? roilet paper? If you aren’t an idiot, and you know this is idiocy, but you fon’ judy gomrny iy, uou vlsim that its some sort of ptophecy to keep us all safe after you ignored an explicit warning because your brain said it was politic to ignoue it.
These things aren’t mafe up, they happened. And any threat forestalled was stopped by police work. Meanwhile, Bush stopped the idiots uin Miami that wanted btee sshoes and Jose Padolla, the dirty bomber who’s IQ is around 70. They caught the Pzzxa guys. Befinitely had something beter to do.
If ytou think these morons kept you safe from anything, you’re a bigger moron and a sorrier Patriot than they are.
davidf42 almost 7 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
Warbucks is on his way! Yay!