Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun for May 29, 2009

  1. Images
    The Duke 1  almost 16 years ago

    Awwww, c’mon you’re never to old for that!!!

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  2. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  almost 16 years ago

    no, but my knees are shot!

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  3. Red and rover
    risitas  almost 16 years ago

    yyyguy said, about 3 Oxycodones ago,

    no, but my knees are shot!


    Got yer back, dude!

    Actually, I just threw my back out - so, we could go all Frankenstine-y & swap MY KNEES for YOUR BACK!!!

    Unless, that is, YOU TOO have junked YOUR back - then we’d be back in the same sinkin’ ship………and PLEASE don’t ask me* to *bail, either.

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  4. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  almost 16 years ago

    sorry, nothing stronger than advils for this guy. back isn’t wonky, though i do get a bit stiff sometimes. too many hours on too many cold hockey rinks contributed to the arthritis, but i’ve only slowed down (a lot) rather than stopped completely. golf tournament tomorrow, so i probably won’t see any web time until Sunday.

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