Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 08, 1998
Man: We of generous earlobes are also generous of spirit. Man: Thank you for the interview! Man: We'll be in touch, fat change puny-lobed moron! Woman: There aren't enought small earlobers at our college. Man: Well, let's get 'em in! Man: We must become an earlobe-blind society! Man: He's a B+ student, debate club, from a poor neighborhood and has small earlobes. Man: You can't talk about earlobes! Man: Nice to meet you. Man: How are you? The Land Obsessed with Earlobes, a parable. In a society far, far away, people were obsessed with earlobe size. After centuries of lobe-based repression, the large earlobed people finally conferred upon teh small earlobed full rights. Yet it wasn't enough. The legacy of generations of oppression and persistent prejudice kept the small of earlobe from advancing. So programs were developed to help those of limited lobe. But after a while, the big earlobers complained about the preferential treatment. Yet, ironically, by making earlobe size the only thing they would refuse to look at, they were actually highlighting it! A history of earlobe obsession sentenced the society to an utter inability to ignore it.
mr_frapachino almost 13 years ago
this is the first comic i have seen on the human earlobe. thank you tom and the dancing bug. lmfao