Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for August 21, 1999
tom the dancing bug's super-fun-pak comix roland your head is tremendous! so is yours! what kind of god would give us such freakishly huge heads? I don't know. waffle iron reaction-shot comix thanks for helping us, ace! glad to do it, sheriff. and i wouldn't worry about santo... he'll be in jail for quite a long time! killjoy was here my shrink tells me i overeat because i'm insecure! one would have to be delusional to think that nuclear weapons won't be used in our lifetimes! humor for the ladies oh, i was shopping all day! so i didn't make dinner! order a pizza! won't you at least call in the order? sorry! i just had my nails done! alterna-laffs hmmm... how can we be hip and irreverent this week? yes-- what format to use? tv announcer guy how about the... fake ad format? retro nah, tired and boring. let's do the ol'wordy iconoclastic political satire format then... can't you see it's not about clinton? it's about corporations! yech. stale cynicism is so '90s well... maybe some ironic absurdist garbage... that always works! roll it out! silly pictures pat n' stinky hi, pat. hey stinky! you got a punchline? no. blam! the end!