Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 04, 1999
billy dare boy adventurer with quentin - smugglers' cape- ch. XIV in the bowels of mordu's lair! crimey! we're trapped! it's a good thing i took this pistol off that first guard, quentin. blam blam ah! Arg! hello! two more coming! urk! blam blam ehg... help... must've missed a vital organ on that one. ack. now to find dr. mordu's assistant, rakoff! hold it right there, rakoff! billy dare! okay, then. where are the smuggled diamonds? I won't say! alright. you want to do this the hard way? one hour later... ready to to talk now? never! another hour... you want more, or are you talking? uhn... the mordu... yacht... criminey! there must have been 20 guards on that boat! ch. XV: bold adventure on the high seas!
PamelaForeman over 5 years ago
Is this comic in reference to the availability to get guns today