Being a plugger doesn’t necessarily mean you routinely make poor financial decisions. It could be just a part of being a tightwad. My parents both grew up during the Great Depression, and they made excellent financial decisions. But frugal ways became a way of thinking, and they preferred to do things the cheap way, rather than the efficient way.
tc0809 over 15 years ago
“Pluggers will steamroll over you in a heartbeat.”
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
Being a plugger doesn’t necessarily mean you routinely make poor financial decisions. It could be just a part of being a tightwad. My parents both grew up during the Great Depression, and they made excellent financial decisions. But frugal ways became a way of thinking, and they preferred to do things the cheap way, rather than the efficient way.
JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago
They (we?) make frugal decisions. If that’s poor, I don’t think I want you as my financial adviser!
BigGrouch over 15 years ago
crunkbot…again, WHY do you read Pluggers when you hate it every single day?
anserman38 over 15 years ago
Hmmmm, nobody mentioned the Sade song!
wanderwolf over 15 years ago
Because crunkbot is a comment troll, and only emerges from beneath the bridge to get our goats. ;-)