FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for May 30, 2011

  1. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago
    (Phantom) The College Kid questions whether a man who bleeds can be immortal.

    (Mary Worth) Going to the hospital to try to explain? I don’t foresee a good outcome. This is one of those situations where “explaining” will probably just make matters worse. Too bad Drew and his dad didn’t talk about what is really going on.

    (Rex Morgan) Dex seems to be aware that he acted inappropriately. I guess he and Dr. Rex are going to have a talk.

    (Mark Trail) The Sheriff’s son, Mike, is overly interested in solving the crime.

    (Apt. 3-G) Who is Susan? This strip has recently had a characters popping in and out without actually going into a story arc. I hope the appearance of “Susan” will start a new storyline!

    (Judge Parker) This conversation is scary, especially if you live in Fla.

    (FoxTrot) Andy uses the term “bouncing off the wall” in the last panel. Or does she? It that term used in the Spanish language?

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  2. Goodmorning
    geemail  almost 14 years ago

    Happy Memorial Day everyone

    Rex – sounds like Dex also seems to know his mind is slipping a bit, too

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 14 years ago

    (Memorial Day) I’ll be heading over to the local cemetery after a while, to visit graves of a loved one and friends (incl. a Vietnam Navy pilot). And then I’ll wander down to the south section where many vets of older wars are buried, incl. some civil war vets. Paying my respects.

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  4. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Yesterday was a nice summer day here in northeastern Kansas. My son and I went to the cemetery. Today it is raining again.Foxtrot – Jason likes finals.Rex – It’s sad when people are beginning to slip and realize it.JP – We could talk so much better over here where I’m standing. It’s good they’re clearing the area of curisousity seekers.A3G – this strip needs an attention-grabber to make us want to know who Susan is and what Aunt Iris may be up to.MW – I agree with Florchi. Not a good prognosis for this meeting.

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  5. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 14 years ago

    That’s Paige, not Andi

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  6. Missing large
    andrelguera  almost 14 years ago

    Hey people.. im back xDI was working very hard that last week.. Ok. i will try to help some doubts about FT.18MAY = chipmunk; idk the really means in spanish.. but using google give me “ardilla”; but “ardilla” is “squirrel” in english.. is confuse.. but the translate for “alvin and the chipmunks” is “alvin y las ardillas”.. so.. that means that “chipmunk” is “ardilla” xD-—-19MAY “mary worth” is “maria de oro”?= Nop.. GOLD is ORO.. and WORTH is VALOR.. in this case.. spanish is wrong; in some case the translater dont have some idea how they must translate some names or tittles.. i see many tittles of movies that are change to give a better means in spanish.. “fast and furious” is “rapido y furioso”.. but in SPAIN they change the name to “A TODO GAS” xD In this case “maria de oro” is a bad translate for “mary worth”.. but is more easy to understand that “maria valor” A question.. in that comic “worth” is a last name?

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  7. Missing large
    andrelguera  almost 14 years ago

    25MAY Why does the Espanol FT use “DESVAN” instead of “ATICO”? Andre?? Mmm.. well.. both options are good.. desvan and atico are similars.. if you see pics in google using desvan and atico you will see that have same pictures. So.. DESVAN and ATICO can be use to translate ATTIC.. without problems ^^--26MAY “No comentario”. Hehehe.. if you dont have comments.. in spanish is “Sin Comentarios”.. and “no comentario” is good too.. :D--29MAY (I didn’t realize that “Andy” was short for “Andrea.”) Yeap.. Andrea is a name for the womens and Andres is for mans.A short for Andrea is Andy and for Andres is Andre..

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  8. Missing large
    andrelguera  almost 14 years ago

    (FoxTrot) Andy uses the term “bouncing off the wall” in the last panel. Or does she? It that term used in the Spanish language?Yeap.. “rebotar en la pared” is good..btw.. i dont understand FT today.. jason is bouncing cause he is anxious but i dont understand what means “semana al fin”.. someone have the comic in english? Oo i have doubt about the last panel xD

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  9. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Good point about keeping a last name as is. Some of your other examples would indicate the translator doesn’t do a very good job of keeping the meaning. Translation is hard and can take a long time to do a good job.Kids can be bouncing off the wall because they’re excited about something they like. Most kids would be excited about the last day of school, but Jason is excited about final exams because he’s very good at scholastic work. At least that’s what I got out of this strip.

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